When I read the heading for the discussion topic, 100-year plan, I feel it cannot be,it is unrealistic. When I think about the future of humans, I see the struggle for survival. The struggle to keep our humanity intact, mother nature protecting and supporting us, flora and fauna part of life. Honestly, the way the human race is trying to run the race of being the wealthiest and being the one race in the history of the Earth trying to outrun the natural evolution and trying to evolve on their own, I see darkness at the end. I know it sounds so pessimist of me, but it is just what I feel. The way the human race is fighting against time is terrifying me. I feel everything has changed from the time I was young. This speed of innovation is disrupting the pace of the world and it would be a disaster. I was always taught that the time is the greatest warrior in this world and if you go against it and the probability of you losing is the highest. The mindset of life being the race, the human race is forgetting about a simple fact, it is not like there is no tomorrow. The belief of majority believes that we have to make everything perfect now a life of luxury, even if it means putting future generations at stake, is a threat.
During this session, I feel delighted to see that the focus on tomorrow is highlighted through examples of various companies that have been running for centuries and passed from generation to generation. I am quite interested to know about civilizations from the past and how everything worked in the past. The logic is simple to me, what we are struggling with today is something our early ancestors have dealt with. I know it may be a little opposite to theory. I come from a culture where a set of rituals are practiced but it has been always labeled as blind faith and the thing of illiteracy by the world, however, it is changing now since the scientific evidence is backing us. For example, The cement industry is one of the major producers of carbon dioxide, so what is the solution or alternative? In India, till today we have houses made of mud which are cooler in the summer and warm in the winter without the use of any electrical medium which has no environmental implications. So, it is just one example of how our early ancestors have given some solution to our problems, it is just a matter of the perception you hold about them and how you can use your creativity and modern day to shape it.
After going through this session, coincidentally I came across an interesting study held on electric cars and their impact on the environment. Surprisingly, it was found in the study that Battery Electric cars emit 15-50 percent more greenhouse gases in different categories than other cars. After this I feel the planetary boundaries that we are talking about, the seriousness of the tipping point is still not getting to the majority. Just because the awareness of a topic is a trend, doesn't mean that with the manipulation of information, individuals can earn profits from it. I, myself, have never consciously thought about the importance of sustainability before but witnessing the change in the environment is a nightmare. And especially, it is backed by data and data is what makes it more realistic. As we know fear is what fuels survival instincts and I think after this presentation of what is happening, actually switched on that instinct to work and move inside the grid of balance.
In the end, I would say the problem with us as a species is we consider what we desire rather than what we need. I feel that making a vehicle that brought you commodities not going to protect us from the end that awaits us as a consequence of breaching the planetary boundaries. Rather, we should understand that it is about survival at the minimum and using the resources which you need to survive, not to live a life of luxury. I feel this is what needs to be focused on to survive, otherwise, we will be starting the same vicious circle of innovation that will lead to the further destruction of Mother Earth and the brutal demise of our race.