What differs top 1% of population to remaining 99% of the world population has been confused each individual at one point or other. After going through this week's material, I think I might be able to answer this question, the answer is the belief system. Yes, the belief system of an individual is what makes the winner stand out. I have listened to various of corporate leaders . Every single time they were asked about what made them successful, the answer is close to 'I never give up'. But what might not be clear to majority is what they don't want to give up on? I get the answer, they never give up on their belief to achieve what they wanted to achieve and their vison of transforming world. After penning it down, I sit and went back to the time when I am able to get my desired result while working in group. Shockingly, the answer came when you made them see what you see. In teamwork, it is always a common objective that drives all the participants to perform and this is common objective is not just financial incentives but a more strong force called belief system.
It is very saying in the marketing 'People do not buy products but experience and story they relate to'. But I desired to know how you do that? This week's material give me the answer to it, when you show people what was your motivation to create the product, you lay down the road for them to come to you and relate to you. They work for the cause and for their inner satisfaction. This is the principle on which i would like to build my marketing strategy and gain consumer market share.
More importantly, the exercise to find your values brings out the deep thoughts buried in my mind and my conscious mind never let them out. For a moment, it was disturbing to know that I could take them out before. This is a framework that I HOPE will bring out the best version I carve.